By Anonymous - 23/03/2016 01:36 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I was driving to work and I got a text from my girlfriend. She said she was breaking up with me. I was a little heartbroken, but I had to get on with my day. I got to work and my boss fired me. Turns out, my boss and girlfriend have been having an affair and she told him to fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 736
You deserved it 1 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow today is not your day, but I'm pretty sure that is not legal.

Go to HR. If he had no other reason than your ex telling him to fire you, go to HR.


FrustratedFrank 12

This is awful but you know what? three square meals and a roof over your head for lufe for double murder, just saying. (The users in this comment do not condone the act of murdering innocents.)

Wrongful termination. Lawyer up buddy, you're about to go to war

Guess if you can prove the relationship with your ex then your boss is screwed not you

What kind of assholes do you surround yourself with? Sorry OP. That's really shitty.

chandlerh1104 5

It's not an affair if you're not married

It's still cheating. Either way, it's a shitty thing to do

I'm sorry, today is not your day. I know everything went wrong today. But if they are like that, then your girlfriend isn't worth it, and working at your job wouldn't have been good. Everything will get better.

corky1992 33

Pretty sure he can't do that.