By karmaaa - 16/10/2014 20:56 - United States - Huxley

Today, I was driving with my grandma and she was going 30 over the speed limit. To slow her down, I said, "Hey look, the police". She slammed on the brakes so hard I hit my head on the dashboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 839
You deserved it 17 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would attract more attention than the speeding itself

It would've just been easier to say slow down or something


My granny drives fast too. It would've been easier for the both of ya'll if you told her to slow down.

sailorarctic 22

ydi for not wearing your seat belt

nialls_girl 13

Talk about your hot rod grandma...

Time to get grandma's license pulled...

missblove 17

Haha should have just said "hey, slow down" :p

Sooo, Granny has a lead foot huh? Well, you know what? Easing off the accelerator and driving within the speed limit, will save her money when it comes to putting fuel in. That means, MORE MONEY FOR BINGO!!! And OP, I hope that hitting your head knocked some sense into you. Go granny! But maybe just stick to smaller, less dangerous acts of rebellion, aye?

andersonj219 5

This made my day! I can't stop laughing. Sorry though!

I would have told her to slow down. But you should have been prepared for the slam.

wrenavery90 12

Apparently you did not have your seatbelt on.