By karmaaa - 16/10/2014 20:56 - United States - Huxley

Today, I was driving with my grandma and she was going 30 over the speed limit. To slow her down, I said, "Hey look, the police". She slammed on the brakes so hard I hit my head on the dashboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 846
You deserved it 17 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would attract more attention than the speeding itself

It would've just been easier to say slow down or something


giantsfan2010 23

Weird, usually elderly drive 30 mph under the speed limit

oKap1 15

You could've just asked her to slow down because she was over the speed limit. She might not have noticed how fast she was driving.

She slammed on the breaks at the mere thought of a police officer. I think she was well aware how fast she was going.

simplysarcastics 26

I understand op, most grandmas usually drive super slow but not ours. As a child I just buckled up and held on, because telling gram to slow down or telling her to do anything in general doesn't fly lol. Gram does as she pleases, oh I miss her! ;)

BasedComment 15

That's why you take your foot off the gas and break lightly.

Badass grandma. Look at the bright side, the most exciting thing I've ever seen my grandma do is call the police (seriously lol)

An old person driving fast? Baloney haha

Pretty much! You'd think more old people would speed so they can go enjoy things since they don't have much time left instead of going 50 in the left hand lane. Go Granny go! :D

I feel your pain. You dont get to tell gramma what to do. She has to think it was her idea to slow down.

What the LITERAL **** did you expect!?!?!?