By Anonymous - 18/05/2009 06:45 - Canada

Today, I was drunk and crashed on my friend's couch to sober up. On the drive home, a cop pulled me over for seemingly no reason. He kept asking if I had been drinking, to which I answered no. Finally, he told me to look in the mirror. My friends had written all over my face while I slept. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 995
You deserved it 24 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People... He crashed on his friends couch long enough to sober up! At which point all he was thinking about was his own comfy bed! He didn't look in the mirror because he wanted to get home. It makes sense! OP... Light weight! Never fall asleep first!

If you were still too messed up to see the writing in your mirrors, you shouldn't have been driving.


ozymandias_fml 0

#20 lets hope not. Hopefully the OP gets at least a ticket for this.

hahaha that happened 2 me once but i wasnt drunk nor in a car..... lmfao....did you get a ticket for shit written all over your face? lmfao

pingu_fml 0

#22: if you weren't drunk or in a car then how the hell is this relatable? You got stopped by the police...walking...sober?

kellster 2

Why are there so many people with bad hygiene on here? You obviously didn't look in a mirror before you left, never mind wash any part of yourself. Also, you drive without checking your mirrors? Really? I hope you got a ticket!

dearjennyanyway 0

#4 sounds a lot like Garden State to me. "By the way, you have balls written on your forehead."

clockworkrainbow 3

I just want to know what they wrote...

YDI comments are uncalled for. FYL, OP. :P

Inky_fml 0

#22 - You're an idiot. OP - That does suck, but how can you drive without seeing your face in the mirrors even once?

I'm surprised you didnt' check before you went out, pretty embarrassing.