By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 21:47 - Canada

Today, I was eating Jell-O and was reading a fact website, when I read that gelatin is made from the collagen in cow or pig bones. I'm vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 529
You deserved it 68 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you haven't been a vegetarian too long. Any respectable vegetarian knows gelatin is made from animals. YDI

kellanlvr 1

I learned that in 2nd grade -___-


Actually gelatin comes from any animal. omnomnomnom Demi Glace.

PaperCandles 0

this does not just apply to vegans. do your research people- better yet, use your brains: products made from bones or collagen obviously came from an animal, and that animal had to die so we can eat our fatty and sugary foods and get even fatter. people are sooo ignorant when it comes to this stuff. they look down on vegetarianism because it is not a cultural norm. to the people who said vegetarianism is stupid, what if we said carnivores are stupid? what if the world was vegetarian, and there were meat eaters who were looked down upon? hm, think about it.

ImAlwaysRight 0

Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with eating meat. Humans have been eating meat for thousands and thousands of years before some people decided to become a bunch of pansies and deem it immoral or something. Get over yourself. Do you think an animal wouldn't eat you if it had the chance? We probably taste amazing to a lion. I watch the Animal Channel and there's lions eating zebras. Don't tell me that's okay, but I can't enjoy a turkey leg as a snack. The day that animals wizen up and figure out how to eat us, I'll be all for them eating us because meat is just a superior thing to eat.

PaperCandles 0

the point is, educate yourself. look up exactly how animals are slaughtered. they are thrown into boiling water while they are still alive. their throats are slit while still conscious. they are given hormones to speed their growth, they grow so quickly that they crumble under their own weight. it's horrible and disturbing stuff. i personally do not want to eat meat that has been tortured and given hormones and crappy food.

For some vegetarians and vegans it's more about the conditions the animals are raised in than the concept of eating animals in general. EDIT: PaperCandles, you got here first and can now serve as an example of what I typed.

monnanon 13

let me guess, you're a guy aren't you. some guys seem to have a weird connection between meat and manliness. FYI you dont hunt anymore and yes we have always eaten meat but not in the quantities we do now. Meat is harder for our bodies to digest and processed meat is quite bad for us but that doesn't mean we shouldn't eat it. Most vegetarians have made an informed moral and/or ethical choice to eat what they do and i don't see how that choice affects you, surely it means more meat for you.

I've known this for years. Shame on you, OP.

Don't worry, it's all synthasised nowadays.

I don't understand vegetarians... it's all about survival of the fittest, I'm sure if a pig could eat you he would

oshi16toofly 0

omg I love jell-o nd I'm a vegitarian too! D,:

Also being a vegetarian, I do empathize. It's always a sad/disgusting shock to find out you've eaten an animal, but I also have to point out common sense. Knowing gelatin comes from bones is completely common sense to me. I find it shocking that the more people I tell WHY I dont eat jello are shocked to find out that it comes from bones. How do people not know such a simple fact? When you make stock, or broth for soup, you boil bones. When it is refrigerated it forms gelatin. Common sense.