By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 21:47 - Canada

Today, I was eating Jell-O and was reading a fact website, when I read that gelatin is made from the collagen in cow or pig bones. I'm vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 529
You deserved it 68 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you haven't been a vegetarian too long. Any respectable vegetarian knows gelatin is made from animals. YDI

kellanlvr 1

I learned that in 2nd grade -___-


Sorry but you totally deserve it. Most vegetarians & vegans check what's actually in their foods before they buy them. If it bothers you then check beforehand next time, if you don't it's your own damn fault & you're a crappy vego

you deserve for not knowing that. jello - gelatin.

xToRNHaM90 0
ayewynn 6

who honestly doesn't know that??! Especially those who consider themselves vegetarians.

DearCricket 0

Definitely deserved that one, maybe research more next time before you change your lifestyle, granted accidents will happen, but this ones on you.

in islamic we know this fact since we were 13 y.o and yeah its allowed to eat it. thats silly i bet ur 20 .american's and also canadians r ignorants ! sry and thats a fact

yupishi 2

"in islamic" makes no sense, "its allowed to eat it" also makes no sense, "american's" is without an apostrophe, and "ignorants" is not a word. wow, you are just so good at making other people look stupid. by which i mean yourself.

#521 - She's a 13 year-old girl from Saudi Arabia FFS. Do you think you could cut her some slack on the Grammar Nazi front because English probably isn't her first language? For the record, you forgot to capitalize 'Wow', 'By' and 'I'. ****.

kittykiller897 0

Vegetarian or not, gelatin is not meat, so...

yupishi 2

pretty sure the general idea is that if you have to kill the animal to get the product, it isn't vegetarian friendly. like, milk is ok because you don't kill the cow, but for leather you do have to kill it so most vegetarians try to avoid leather. vegans don't use anything which comes from animals, so they don't use milk or eggs or anyhting.

mbouf 0

are you kidding me? you never knew that?

ThatLooksSticky 16

I bet you eat animal crackers too, you evil bitch.

so jello is protein? that's kinda nasty.