By Anonymous - 25/04/2013 15:10 - Canada - Midland

Today, I was excited for my first date in a while, with a "tall handsome business man." Turns out he "doesn't feel emotions anymore", likes getting peed on, and "doesn't do condoms." Thanks, internet dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 969
You deserved it 15 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You just have to understand Internet dating lingo. "Tall handsome man" means "short ugly freak". "Hot blonde" means at least 350 pounds. And when they actually admit to being freaky, run.

lhazz11 23

Sounds like he wouldn't need to worry about the condoms, he isn't getting laid anyways.


\ 28

Sounds like you've dated a Vulcan with urolagnia and a strong distaste for safe sex.

perdix 29

I don't see where his claims conflict with the new facts you learned about him. A tall, handsome business man may easily enjoy being peed on than a short, ugly unemployed person of indeterminate gender. The "not having emotions" part is certain to be an asset in business!

Like David Chapelle once said: I wanne pee on you! Drip drip drip..

Op, urine luck! Peeing on someone is the best way to get in the mood!

Shit! I made a "Urine luck" pun down below before reading this!

then000bster 16

Hey! He is a business man, at least he isn't piss poor like the rest of us.

Even prostitutes would run from this guy. The scary thing is, if you subscribe to the theory there is someone for everyone, some girl is going to be into this. Hope he finds her soon to get him out of the dating pool.

TheCutestLizard 28

@26 It's a win-win, he gets the girl of his dreams and no one else makes the same mistake that OP did.

well of course he doesn't do condoms! where would more weirdos come from if he did? plus it would fill up with the pee...uncomfortable amount of warmth