By LawStudent - 19/09/2012 14:54 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, I was excited to get my first writing assignment since starting law school. I found out that I have to write a paper defending free speech. This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to defend the Westboro Baptist Church and if I weren't a former Marine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 022
You deserved it 3 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, part of being a lawyer is finding ways to defend people who are the scum of the earth. That's why they make the big bucks


Epikouros 31

This is a great opportunity to show that freedom means tolerating assholes, not just nice people that would be tolerated anyway. I'm sure they won't mind when you stress the part about the WBC troglodytes being assholes. That only makes the argument more impressive. A country is free when it's safe to be unpopular, whether you deserve it or not. Speaking on behalf of assholes all over the world, I say: thank you for your service.

Minorly, I had to do this in high school Eng. I hated it an failed the paper because I cannot argue something that is faulty. And funerals are something you do not ever protest at. Especially when said person, fraught for your right to be able to go to church...

foxholeathiest 4

Wouldn't do it if I were you. Semper fi

Sorry but I honestly don't know what that means, can some one tell me how that's bad?

Westboro Baptist Church is a church in Kansas that's famous for claiming that American soldiers (including Marines) were being killed as God's punishment for the US tolerating homosexuals. They used to (maybe still do) protest the funerals of service men and women saying essentially "they deserved it"

KBear3109 29

Liberty is a double edged blade. But give me liberty or give me death. Semper Fi.

Ihazleatherpants 3

Well that sounds like a punch in the pants.

sacredeye73 11

Welcome to our broken Justice system. And congratulations on being accepted into law school. As much as it sucks, when you swore in at MEPS, you swore to defend our Constitution. As much as you may not agree, put your best foot forward and defend that whacky church's right to free speech. Thank you for your service. Semper Fi, Brother.

What exactly is the purpose of protesting someone's funeral? Generally a protest has a goal of some sort, an outcome if you will. Do they believe those people shouldn't be buried in the ground? Someone help me out.