By LawStudent - 19/09/2012 14:54 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, I was excited to get my first writing assignment since starting law school. I found out that I have to write a paper defending free speech. This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to defend the Westboro Baptist Church and if I weren't a former Marine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 022
You deserved it 3 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, part of being a lawyer is finding ways to defend people who are the scum of the earth. That's why they make the big bucks


talloctopus 7

Thats sucky. But hey its kind of good practice to help when you become a lawyer. :)

1crabbygirl 10

Sounds like you are about to undergo some serious spiritual growth.

First, you will be defending rights, not just people. Even the worst criminals have rights. Now, freedom of speech can be limited in time, place or ways, but not on what you say. Remember there are some rights and ammendments that are intended againt other people, but mostly, the Constitution had the purpose of limiting the goverment 's authority over the people. Good luck and enjoy! It is a long, sad and ungrateful trip but it is worth every moment.

I'm a marine to. Just think of what any staff nco would say. Adapt and overcome devil. Put your head down and write the shit out of that paper. Remember your customs and courtesies, if you get lost in the sauce remember your mission, to defend douche trackin

Semper Fi dawg. Just suck it up. I made it through law school last year after a career in the Corps!

F*ck those hate mongering douchebag cult freaks. Aside from that, that's how law school goes, you have to exam all sides, even the WBC ass hats.

This is off the main topic but since when is a marine called a "former" marine?

Whenever an OP says "ex-Marine", a lot of people say there is no such thing, and that it's "former Marine". Now, when an OP says "former Marine", people complain about that too. I've heard that some Marines use the term, and some don't like it so much. What's up with that?

I think it has to do with the fact that people look at the term 'ex-Marine' and 'former Marine' imply no longer being a marine where as those said people believe that the discipline and characteristics you build stay with you forever and they never 'stop' being there. That's from what I can see anyways.

I grew up with a father that's a marine. And have quiet a few buddies who are marines. Never once have I heard them use the term former marine. Guess not many of em like the "once a marine, always a marine" thing then? Idk just stating my point of view from the marines I've been around my whole life.

Couldbeworese 0

Don't know if you will actually see this but depending on how the paper is set up you might be able to write regarding the supreme courts decision that the folks who form rings around the funeral participants to keep the Westboro people away are also covered under free speech therefore legal

noisebox 1

How'd ya get into law school most of the military types seems seem to be a couple of bricks short of a full load...

fyreprincess 3

a nice challenging assignment. it'll be good practice. do your best!