By LawStudent - 19/09/2012 14:54 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, I was excited to get my first writing assignment since starting law school. I found out that I have to write a paper defending free speech. This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to defend the Westboro Baptist Church and if I weren't a former Marine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 027
You deserved it 3 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, part of being a lawyer is finding ways to defend people who are the scum of the earth. That's why they make the big bucks


Hold your ground and keep to your morals. Be something different, a lawyer with character. Tell you professor that they have there rights but you don't have to represent them. Your professor is probably a liberal who dislikes the military and there for you. He has it out for you becareful.

SuiGeneris01 2

You don't have to agree to your assignment. It's only an assignment. Keep an opened mind, not everyone thinks the same as you. If you're going to law school that type of thinking is not leading you to the right direction.

Man that's retarded I am a Marine right now over seas and I would tell me professor hell no

mhunter1990 3

I think if someone killed all the members of that church no one would care. they would probably have everyone trying to get them out. they tried coming here to protest a funeral. lets just say they didn't make it into the city

Those westboro followers are pieces of shit

Be Phoenix Wright and stick to finding the truth, imo.

The answer to the Westboro Baptist Church is to point the 21 gun salute at them.

It's just a game of devil's advocate, my friend. By defending them in a hypothetical scenario you will be better suited to oppose them or others like them in the future.

From what I've heard, there is no such thing as a "former marine"... once a Marine, always a Marine... Semper Fi! That being said, tell your prof that the paper is against your beliefs and see if they can get you an alternate assignment

I say that and I get down voted with some shitty explanations as to what the "proper" term is. Lol