By LawStudent - 19/09/2012 14:54 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, I was excited to get my first writing assignment since starting law school. I found out that I have to write a paper defending free speech. This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to defend the Westboro Baptist Church and if I weren't a former Marine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 027
You deserved it 3 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, part of being a lawyer is finding ways to defend people who are the scum of the earth. That's why they make the big bucks


PYLrulz 17

Damn! Welcome to becoming a lawyer. Don't mind that sucking sound, that's just your soul leaving you.

My husband is a Marine this will be a tough one. I guess they only way you can do it is talk about freedom of speech and right to protest , to bad you can't add in what you would like to do to them :). Oh and your not a former Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine :)

I thought you boys were oorah? I was in army, we were hua.

Probably why every sergeant in gods green owned a chihuahua nicknamed...yep...hua.

I believe you're right, I don't know if the USMC has ever used HUA before. I'm in the wrong country and branch to know that much detail haha.

Include something in there about how you've defended the right for them to have free speech, even though they clearly do not deserve it...

When you get out of Law School, start your own firm. Then you can choose your clients.

toalysium 15

This comment actually recognizes how the business of being a lawyer works! An attorney is always free to turn away a client, but the more despicable ones usually have more billable hours.

Really ****** up, but you should stick with it if you want to be a lawyer. I hate those people as much as you do, OP, but being a lawyer means defending someone, even if you don't agree with them.

That REALLY sucks... I mean really, really sucks... You don't have to believe in them, though, to defend their rights. (though, granted, I hate them and wish that they didn't have those rights.) just do your best and remember that's what lawyers do.

zebrapattern 6

"former" marine? There's no such thing.

The_Bull_Rider85 0

This is a total lie. Westboro Baptist Church protest against DEAD military servicemen. With that being said, you were never a Marine. Marines have balls, which you do not aquire. Burn in hell, you Kansas made retard.