By humiliated - 26/02/2010 10:21 - United States

Today, I was finally hooking up with a girl I was after for a long time. Things got really hot and heavy but she stopped and looked at me weird. She said, "I can't do it, you're really wet. It looks like chicken fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 893
You deserved it 4 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

precum isn't generally "white and stringy"...


Doesnt help we dont know the gender of the OP, If its a guy, chicken fat is yellow right? Smeg? I dno lmao but meh FYL I guess

beer01 0

A penis looks like chicken fat? You don't normally refer to a guys **** as "wet". Mostly, dripping. Is this girl on girl?

Something is amiss and potentialy very effin gross.

FruityLoooons 8
perdix 29

One of the few FMLs where the OP's gender is unknown -- SHIT! I'll guess female. If her vulva looks like schmaltz, spread that on a bagel or some rye bread, and nomnomnom!

wow perdix. i just have to comment that seemed disgusting, even for you, haha. but i still laughed at it.

haha, oh my ******* gosh. thatss hilarious, but wait is she referring to your penis lookingg likee chicken fat? or is this girl on girl? yucky!