By mrsmahdi - 20/07/2015 14:29 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was fired from my dream job for being pregnant. Apparently, you can't teach children while growing one inside you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 610
You deserved it 2 444

mrsmahdi tells us more.

They fired me in a clever way by telling me they didn't have anything for me to teach and that me going on maternity leave was too hard on the students I had so someone else was doing my classes. So I was not officially fired so much as pushed out and replaced

Top comments

HR then court. You can't be fired for being pregnant as a teacher.

That's incredibly stupid. I'm sure you'll find a better job in not time. Good luck with the baby. I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother.


I'm pretty sure they can't legally do that

Was this at a charter school? I know charter schools can fire you without warning and without reason. Or with ridiculous reasons like this. My mom's friend got fired from a charter school because they liked someone who was interviewing better. They also fired the teacher whose job she overtook when they first hired her. Sure scared me about working in a charter school, but luckily I found a good one! If it's a public school, that is definitely illegal, if the true reason was the pregnancy.

And that's a big reason why charter schools are bullshit. They get public money and are allowed to do almost whatever they want. That money comes directly out of the public school budget and makes the public schools worse in comparison to the charter school, causing a feedback loop where the schools keep getting worse so more students leave so that the schools get worse. OP, I'm sorry you had to deal with that bullshit. From your other posts, they seemed to cover their ass well enough that you can't prove you were fired for being pregnant but you should still take this up with a lawyer. It's illegal to fire you for being pregnant, no matter where you work and you deserve compensation. Next time, see if you can get a job at a public school where you have protection from assholes like this.

Appeal that...or maybe come back after your baby is born...they might allow you back then...

they can't fire you for being pregnant. look into your rights. Even if it is a Catholic school and you are not married. the only reason why they can fire you, is if a student got you pregnant.

Dafuq? Can't you sue them or something? That is ridiculous!

That's illegal no one can fire you for being pregnant. Sue them.

thehappycamper 13

This is why Canada is better than the US. We can't get fired due to Pregnancy.

leogachi 15

@60 It's illegal in the U.S., too.

kellyem2 20

That's wrongful termination. Period. I would definitely take this public and take them to court.

You could sue for wrongful termination. Why would they fire you because you're pregnant? That's ridiculous.

SilverDragon03 17

Sadly California is an "at will" state and they don't need any reason to fire you.

Not true. Colorado is the same way but it is still illegal to fire for being pregnant