By mrsmahdi - 20/07/2015 14:29 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was fired from my dream job for being pregnant. Apparently, you can't teach children while growing one inside you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 610
You deserved it 2 444

mrsmahdi tells us more.

They fired me in a clever way by telling me they didn't have anything for me to teach and that me going on maternity leave was too hard on the students I had so someone else was doing my classes. So I was not officially fired so much as pushed out and replaced

Top comments

HR then court. You can't be fired for being pregnant as a teacher.

That's incredibly stupid. I'm sure you'll find a better job in not time. Good luck with the baby. I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother.


They fired me in a clever way by telling me they didn't have anything for me to teach and that me going on maternity leave was too hard on the students I had so someone else was doing my classes. So I was not officially fired so much as pushed out and replaced

That is a bunch of ******* bullshit. I am sorry they did that OP

It is hard on students, especially if they're special needs. My autistic son lost his teacher, speech therapist, resource teacher, and educational assistant this year because of them having babies. I told them enough was enough, no one else better get knocked up. Joking, of course. But no way on earth would any parent complain, or any administrative personnel even consider pushing them out due to life. That's just horrible.

If they mentioned maternity leave in their statement you might have a case under Title IX. Assuming of course the school takes Federal funding.

Unless your dr said you can not do your job, they can not boot you out because you are pregnant. As for the 12 week mat leave, they absolutely have to hold a position for you for the 12 weeks. Illegal!

I had 3 teachers every year get pregnant and leave and another for a medical reason half way through the year, including year 6 while doing my SATS. It's not fair on the pupils and it is difficult but being fired for it is a discrimination

So they replaced you with someone else. The "too hard" on students reason is just another bullshit line they fed you. If someone else is doing your job now it means you did in fact have "something to teach". Talk to a lawyer OP don't let them get away with it.

Bull shit explained in a polished way by the school management

Ummm... This is why teachers have such ruthless unions... Have you contacted your rep?

lilchica22001 22

Yeah I would file a lawsuit immediately! That is 100% discrimination! They cannot fire you for being pregnant! Youll be a rich lady after all is said and done. Good luck!!

Okay, yeah, no. If it's not a private school, lawyer the **** up. You can absolutely wreck these assholes' lives without impunity or guilt.

Discrimination. Sounds like it's time for a lawsuit.

Geckosrock99 33

Not only is that illegal, that's incredibly selfish of them. You're having a baby, you need all the money you and your boyfriend/husband can get. Do something about it. Put your supervisor(s) in their place. Don't let them get away with it.

That's still messed up, no matter how they put it. My English 1 teacher was able to take on a student teacher several months beforehand, who then acted as our substitute for the rest of the year. Too hard on the students my ass!

Maybe a safety thing? if you're late into the pregnancy.

I'm pretty positive that them firing you for being pregnant is illegal and discrimination.... You could sue..

bleedingglitter 24

Were you fired in 1960 maybe ?

If that's the case then all the pregnant teachers I've had growing up should have been fired. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!

that's bullshit.....I used to have pregnant teachers all the time

My mom is a teacher and she was still teaching when she was pregnant with me

That is absurd!! I had TWO teachers at the SAME TIME who were pregnant once. BTW my English teacher's baby is adorable :3

Sue them.. seriously, anyone that would fire someone for being pregnant deserves it.

tiredofwaiting 25

You should consider hiring a lawyer.