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By Unwanted - 02/08/2012 06:50 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I was fired from my job. My boss turned to everyone and said, "Allow me to escort this trash out of the office." Everyone cheered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 126
You deserved it 34 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but that sounds like you were terrible at your job. Nonetheless, that's incredibly rude.

Wtf had you done to everyone in the office that resulted you to have this end??????!


radioguy2010 1

I'm a boss and I would never do that to any staff member no matter how bad you are at your job you still deserve to be treated some respect . I would contact a lawyer you might just have a case for slander , which is another reason why when I fire someone it's done very carefully and quietly and I choose my words very cautiously . Good luck in your job hunt , if your boss treated you this way you are better off elsewhere.

SpaceCadet87 0

If I were fired based on personal biasedness and discrimination if that was the case and the boss said that, I know would have knocked his teeth out.

I work with u and u shouldn't have called that poor pregnant girl a ***** because of being a single mom... Her fiancé died in a car accident less than a month ago Just kidding what'd u do?

Wow, then you must have been a terrible employee, to be fired and fit people to cheer about it. Sorry OP but I'm gonna say YDI:(

lemonademixer 7

You let that bitch of a boss call you trash?

Well dont take it personally it's probably to get on the bosses good side! But why we're u fired?

If everyone cheered, there was probably a good reason why they did. My best guess based on this is that YDI for making them all want you to leave.

Braxton_84 3

I hope you responded along the lines of "go f*** yourself, asshole."

I hope the boss responded, 'Gladly'. Showing that he didn't care.

Well if he said 'let me escort the trash out' then it's ur own damn fault