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By Unwanted - 02/08/2012 06:50 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I was fired from my job. My boss turned to everyone and said, "Allow me to escort this trash out of the office." Everyone cheered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 126
You deserved it 34 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but that sounds like you were terrible at your job. Nonetheless, that's incredibly rude.

Wtf had you done to everyone in the office that resulted you to have this end??????!


If everyone cheered I'm thinking you're disliked by all of them whether it was your attitude, work ethic, job performance. Either way no one at wrk likes anyone who acts out in any of those categories. So your probably better off not staying there, people would probably eventually call you out anyway.

gixxergirl74 5

Lmao!! Did anyone get video? I would love to see it!!!

You have my sympathy. I got fired yesterday. Stupid thing is my boss had a meeting two days ago to tell everyone if any of us got a fever, NOT, to come in as it might infect the whole office. She said nothing about getting fired for doing so. Your boss sounds very unprofessional. Mine was just a bitch!

You prof pic is cute. Is that your dog, or a pic from the Internet? If its your's, is it a German Shep?

If I was in your place I'd beat the shit out of my boss because no matter what the reason is for getting fired I wouldn't let anyone call me trash

What did you do to deserve that? Blew up half of the building?

Perhaps he made a dead babies joke at a bad time... Some people just don't seem to like those!

As the mother of a dead baby myself, I can explain why; because babies dying are NOT funny on any level.

Maybe next time you'll learn not to be a twat.