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By Unwanted - 02/08/2012 06:50 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I was fired from my job. My boss turned to everyone and said, "Allow me to escort this trash out of the office." Everyone cheered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 126
You deserved it 34 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but that sounds like you were terrible at your job. Nonetheless, that's incredibly rude.

Wtf had you done to everyone in the office that resulted you to have this end??????!


obviously you did something to make this hapoen.. ydi

cornielious 1
trippythehippy 6

I don't know you but normally when some does that. It's because your a douche

mrnuleef 7

You must have been the office douchebag, but still, i dont think anyone deserves that much of a public humiliation in any workplace

esmi65 2

This is something that would never happen in the Netherlands, untill now. The Government is talking about changing the law to make it easier to fire people. This is really a horrible way to treat anybody, no matter how bad you did your job.... I feel sorry for you. If you did something that justifies you being fired, then now you have a possibility to change your way of working! Good luck!

*I take it you weren't that popular at work, either way FYL.

hateevryone 14