By SDworkinggirl - 05/07/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, I was fired from my volunteer job. Why? Because they said I was working so hard and doing such a good job that I was making the real staff look bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 328
You deserved it 4 229

SDworkinggirl tells us more.

SDworkinggirl 0

Okay so let me clarify some things that people are either stupid or confused about. I voluteered in an organization that has retirement homes all over the country, and helps seniors with limited means. I started volunteering, because it looks good on a resume and I was having a hard time getting a job. So I started volunteering at this retirement home, but I quickly grew to love it, and soon I was working hard because I truely enjoyed visiting with the seniors and delivering mail to them, among the other things I did there. Unknown to me, some of the residents started to complain about how I was nicer and more caring than most of the nurses. They didn't hire me because, I am not a nurse, and I don't have a college degree yet, so there was no position open for me. And the guy who "fired" me let me know why I was being let go, kinda in secret otherwise I doubt I would have been told why they let me go.

Top comments

Ya that'll send a great message to the staff. fire people for good work.

You should apply your skills to actually making money.


you got this from its that 70s show!! be original, don't just add false stories.

lol at #26. daaaaaaaaaamn got #12 the **** outa here. and yea this is def fake. use them as a reference on your rèsumè.

checkitoutt 0

well then maybe they shouldve made you an actual employee in fact, if your doing charity/volunteer work then they should apreciate the fact that you take it so seriously and be grateful to have someone like you so maybe thats not the reason they fired you and if it is then theyre pretty stupid

This happened to me too. I was working Circulation at a public library over the summer to get the community service medal at my high school, and they "fired"me from circ. for doing the employees' jobs. I was relegated to the kids area, hated it, and found another library to work.

FreeLevi 0

They just told you that so you wouldn't feel bad. If you were so good, they would have given you a job.

vampire_dragon 0

sucks to be the real staff I guess