By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 08:34 - United States
Top comments
That lady definitely has issues. And somehow I doubt human skin is the best thing for the birds to be eating... That's so gross. And pedicures are supposed to be relaxing.
WHAT. THE. ****!??!?!?!?
That's sick. Maybe the woman haunts these places, collecting skin off strange women as soon as a pedicure is done! And your pet feeding on you--disgusting!
That's so disgusting, I can't even think of anything funny to say.
Ew. I agree with the others that say that is not an FML moment... that is just a supremely gross moment.
Tastes just like chicken! They're going to loooove her melanoma!
O.O !! That is sick. I already thought it was disturbing that our dead skin cells get eaten by who knows what, but birds?!?!
ewww wtf
that's creepy, and not to mention extremely nasty.