By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 08:34 - United States

Today, I was getting a pedicure and the woman sitting next to me asked the lady if she could take the skin she had scraped off my feet home to her birds because they love skin. She then describes for 20 minutes how her birds love to sit on her when her sunburn is peeling and eat her skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 470
You deserved it 37


That lady definitely has issues. And somehow I doubt human skin is the best thing for the birds to be eating... That's so gross. And pedicures are supposed to be relaxing.

Edenbeam 19

That's sick. Maybe the woman haunts these places, collecting skin off strange women as soon as a pedicure is done! And your pet feeding on you--disgusting!

That's so disgusting, I can't even think of anything funny to say.

iwearfeathers 0

agree with the it's not an fyl moment. maybe if you were the person giving the pedicure it would be worse. because the customer always and all she would have to shut up and listen to it. but you could have told her to shut up with your free will.

ICallKyo 3

Ew. I agree with the others that say that is not an FML moment... that is just a supremely gross moment.

Tastes just like chicken! They're going to loooove her melanoma!

O.O !! That is sick. I already thought it was disturbing that our dead skin cells get eaten by who knows what, but birds?!?!