By Indiana - 16/01/2010 05:14 - Canada

Today, I was getting off the bus, when these two guys behind me started commenting on my bag, oblivious to the fact that I could hear them say, "Look at his ugly man-purse," and "It that looks like the satchel that Indiana Jones has". I'm a girl. Who is planning majoring in fashion studies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 052
You deserved it 9 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They obviously have bad taste, because Indiana Jones' satchel is awesome.

lendmeyourteeth 0

maybe they just don't know about high fashion


Well, you do live in Canada... not exactly on the list of "World's Top Ten Fashion Hotspots". If you plan to major in "fashion studies" you'll probably want to minor in "relocating to a country that has some sense of fashion".

They were definetly talking about the hangover not your bag. the lines match up to well for it to not be about the hangover

So... ? Evidently you have different tastes, though they were very rude in what they said.

chrissy888 0

#89 Um..? Have you even been to Canada? Vancouver and Toronto especially do have a lot of designers, and most people in North America dress about the same since we all have the same stores with the same products. And it doesn't matter what country a designer comes from.. all countries can have someone with the creativity and talent to design amazing clothes. Where the **** do you get off...?

Come on. They were obviously quoting The Hangover. They weren't making fun of you at all.

YMAS87 0

they were most likely quoting 'the hangover' cause that's exactly what they say in the movie, so i wouldn't take it too offense. haha

I call fake sounds way to close to hangover to me

Don't worry, you can still change majors. Women's Studies, perhaps??