By sodaxpopxhiccups - 03/04/2009 09:07 - United States

Today, I was getting ready to get in the shower. Completely naked, I pulled the curtain away and there was a huge spider on the wall in the shower. I screamed and my husband, disoriented from sleeping, came running in and knocked me over. I killed the spider with my forehead and broke my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 331
You deserved it 8 046

sodaxpopxhiccups tells us more.

sodaxpopxhiccups 0

I can't help how I react when I see a spider. It's just an instant thing. I was bitten when I was little and broke out in a serious rash, so I freak out every time I see one now. Actually, I never really scream about anything, which is why my husband was in such a hurry to see what was wrong with me. And yes, he did just barrel in. We have a small bathroom, so the second he was in the door, he ran right into me and flung me into the tub. Looking back on it, even though it was just this morning, is really, very hysterical, and I'm still laughing about it. My nose hurts like you wouldn't believe, but it's still one of the funniest stories we have. #35 Your comment made me laugh so hard that my stomach and head hurts now. ;D Thank you for that brilliant response. :]

Top comments

I'm sorry about your nose, I really am... but I can't quite get over how incredibly epic that kill was. Ordinary people would resort to a paper towel or a shot of water. But a tag-team hit with such precise timing, complete with a full-force headbutt as the chosen delivery mechanism? Ma'am, you and your husband are in the company of the truly elite spider assassins.

ohmygosh that sucks! i would have screamed too, i'm so afraid of spiders


your husband is awesome. I should try that with my girlfriend's head.

after i read this post...i went to shower and was super afraid to find a spider. hah. i am super afraid of spiders as well. i feel so bad for you..i hope your nose is okay! i would have done the same thing. #74...what?!? something's wrong with you...whats the point of having a significant other if you want to hurt them in that way on purpose, this situation was clearly on accident....but to want to do that...

sodaxpopxhiccups 0

I can't help how I react when I see a spider. It's just an instant thing. I was bitten when I was little and broke out in a serious rash, so I freak out every time I see one now. Actually, I never really scream about anything, which is why my husband was in such a hurry to see what was wrong with me. And yes, he did just barrel in. We have a small bathroom, so the second he was in the door, he ran right into me and flung me into the tub. Looking back on it, even though it was just this morning, is really, very hysterical, and I'm still laughing about it. My nose hurts like you wouldn't believe, but it's still one of the funniest stories we have. #35 Your comment made me laugh so hard that my stomach and head hurts now. ;D Thank you for that brilliant response. :]

I'm not afraid of spiders, but I understand why you screamed. Well, at least you're husband is ready to run up and save you even when he sleeps. I hope your nose gets better soon. :D #35, So full of win.

Stop complaining about your nose... the poor spider is dead

As others have said, people who have a fear of spiders don't CHOOSE to be that way. Screaming is a reflex. I'm sure they'd love to not be afraid of them, but people on the internet calling them wusses and drama queens will change nothing. Incidentally, when I see spiders or various other bugs, my throat closes up and I can't breathe, so screaming isn't an issue for me. It's give and take I guess . . .

See it is not that hard to kill a spider. Now you know how to do it your self without waking the husband. Great way to learn

lifeislife_fml 0

I'm not generally afraid of spiders, but I might scream too if I pulled the curtain away and saw a spider right there! Hope your nose recovers quickly.

omg ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww FYL

Aaargh that's horrible! And ew ew ew, you squished it with your head! I would freak out so much if I had squished spider on my forehead. I'd freak out more about that than the broken nose, I think! And good on your husband for coming running, aww. Pity he knocked you over though. But at least the spider got killed?