By lilben - 10/06/2011 08:09 - United States

Today, I was given a new nickname at work due to my boss always confusing me with one of my co-workers who is taller than me. Someone suggested he just call us the same name to make it simpler, and the tall one would be big and the short one little. Everyone at my job now calls me Little Dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 599
You deserved it 4 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gotta admit it's a FYL, but also pretty funny.

FMLandurstoo 9


shift_love 13

little Richard maybe? like "I feel good na na na na na na na I knew that I would" that'd be cooler lol

LinTurk 4

haha. I was thinking the same thing:)

Little Richard isn't James Brown.. Just so you know. The only reason you haven't seen them at a party together is that James Brown passed away a few years ago. They aren't the same person.

perdix 29

You could put on a lot of weight and be known as Fat Dick. Or stop shaving and getting haircuts and become known as Hairy Dick. You don't give me much to work with -- when your name is Richard, you're ****** when you allow your nickname to be Dick. Why didn't you go with Rich, Richie, Rick or Ricky? So many good choices -- only Dicky would be worse.

SlapYouSilly 0

omg okay little dick it's goin to be okay

I accidently voted YDI. So it should be 76 not 77 XD

You must be a real **** lol, oops sorry dick PMSL.

A suggestion you can sue the company for that. Not a lawyer but it's something called EEO and it's a slander to your name. the boss can be fired for that too. If you care.

Hopefully you don't work in the **** profession haaa

mrwelsh3 0

don't feel too bad my names Richard which the nickname for Richard is dick and my dads name is Richard. So everyone refers to him as big Dick and I of course am referred to as little Dick..

anghellic9 0

it would still be epic to hear that the boss is looking for little dick.