By JimmyJazzNJ - 12/04/2009 02:51 - United States

Today, I was giving a tour on campus when one of my friends approached us and said "Don't go here, the weed's too expensive." and walked away. Thinking he's coming back to say he's joking, he instead says "Just kidding, its really cheap." and walked away. I may or may not still have a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 836
You deserved it 5 106

Same thing different taste

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SpunkT 0

Yeah why would you be responsible for having an idiot friend? Also you could have just said something to the effect of "Don't mind him, he's an idiot" and pretend he's not your friend. And then later tell him not to bother you when you're working cause it's really rude.

I do stupid things like this all the time to my friends. You need to lighten up and relax about it.


#17-- have you ever even BEEN to college? It IS NOT babysitting. It's a LOT more than that. And like with everything else in life, you get what you put into it. You are so full of sh*t that it would take way too long for me to refute the crap you're spitting out.

nice one mary! that's right, I WAS THAT GUY and the girl that wrote this is my RA! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Your Friend Is Funny. Need 2 Meet Him Some Time

ughwhatever 0

SO FML worthy! love it... hystericalllllllll... and think about it people...this poor tour guide was stuck with this group of potential students after this embarassing statement by a person he/she is clearly friends with ... wowww .. just the thing I needed to cheer me up today hahaha

ughwhatever 0

SO FML worthy! love it... hystericalllllllll... and think about it people...this poor tour guide was stuck with this group of potential students after this embarassing statement by a person he/she is clearly friends with ... wowww .. just the thing I needed to cheer me up today hahaha

funnyyy 0

i agree with #77 and im pretty sure they wouldnt go snitch everyone does it..