By katams - 26/02/2012 12:28 - United States

Today, I was going for a walk and I kept smelling pee wherever I went. After about an hour, I finally figured out that the smell was me. My dog had peed on my sweatshirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 788
You deserved it 5 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missyj0 12

My friends dog jizzed on my sweater once... I know how you feel, OP. Dogs are ******* lucky they're cute.


It would have been funnier if you pissed on yourself without knowing

linkinpark98 23

YDI for keeping your clothes on the floor where the dog can pee on it.

j_sheree6121 10

Our cat did this to my boyfriend. We got up really early to take her to get fixed at a traveling clinic for free and while we were waiting he kept saying that she had peed in the cat carrier, eventually I went to pet her and noticed it didn't smell and he said then your nose is f***** up because it reeks. He turned around and I noticed the white spot on his jacket.... He was not happy.

Haha serves him right! Your such a nice owner

Better than your dog pooing in the middle of your textbook, only for you to find it in the middle of class with everyone staring at you -__-

That happened to me before. Only I was at school taking exams when I noticed it.

wolffan 3

If ur walking ur dog how does he piss on ur sweatshirt...he would have to be the like GODZILLA of all dogs...or Cujo

I have a cat that will pee on anything in the floor if her litterbox isn't pristine. She's 14 & I have another cat and a dog so it's a lot work but worth it!