By Jill - 15/06/2013 04:19 - United States - Santa Rosa

Today, I was going through my daughter's contacts, except all of them had names from Harry Potter. I found the name "Mom." I was relieved I didn't have some silly name, until I realized it wasn't my number; it was her father's new wife. My number was under "Voldemort." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 358
You deserved it 22 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's probably because you go through your daughters phone. No sympathy from me Voldy.

Could it simply be because you lack a nose and not due to your "evil" ways as a Mom? If it's any consolation, if your kids hate you, you must be doing something right!


Leave her damn phone alone and she might have more respect for you, invading her privacy certainly isn't going to win you any favors!

Hell yeah. Voldemort's my favourite. I'd give that name to someone awesome.

That's kinda funny seeing how I named my mom as Professor Dumbledore. But seriously don't go poking around in your daughter's things; she will find out and her opinion of you will drop drastically.

Why were you going through your daughters stuff? That invading her privacy!

deepunder 17

The name was wishful thinking. If u were Voldemort, u wouldn't be so nosy

My point still stands that she shouldn't be looking through her daughters things.

I suggest using the Cruciatus Curse, my lord.

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CharresBarkrey 15

Thank you, 19! Finally. These FML voters are weird. I swear, on every other FML where the kid's parents invade their privacy, the commenters absolutely jump down the OP's throat saying it's the parents' right to do so because they pay for everything.

why would it be the parents right to invade their kids privacy only because they pay for it? money=no privacy???

XxXCrissyXxX 12

Exactly. I mean giving too much privacy to kids, and lack of discipline, leave too many doors open for trouble. Despite teens thinking they know what's best, they don't, and parents need to know what's going on with their kids, who they know, where they are going, and who they are with.

There needs to be a certain amount of trust between parents and their children. If OP's kid did nothing to violate that trust, then I see no need to invade her privacy.

But where has OP said that her daughter was a child? we're all assuming that's the case but it may not be.

That would be a case of the guy doing something to earn the mistrust though. You shouldn't act like people are criminals before they have done anything wrong. That is a good way to screw a kid up.

Sometimes it is good for parents to check phones, but sometimes it makes things worse. A few months ago one of my best friends cut. Her bf (someone I have been best friends with since kindergarten) was texting her when his mom took his phone and went through it. She had stopped cutting completely for about a month, but when his mom found out she called our school, and she got called up to the office and it made things a lot worse and her parents found out and so did a lot of kids at school. She ended up starting again for almost a month before she stopped again. If his mom did not call the school, she probably wouldn't have started cutting again

There are proper ways to go about looking through your child's phone and/or computer. I think Op could solve a lot of problems if she asked to see the phone. My mother always asked and we have a great relationship. Asking at least gives the illusion of mature, adult interaction.

I agree with 19 to a point. My boyfriend's mother constantly snoops through her kids' phones, Facebook messages, etc. You name it, she looks at it. Most of the time, there is no reason for her to do it, other than she pays for it, and she just feels like it. As a result, her kids don't really trust her, and they have found ways to hide all the stuff they don't want her to see. And I'm not trying to sound like some whiny kid - my boyfriend and I are legal adults, he's moved out, and she still tries to look through his stuff (and, indirectly, mine, since he and I obviously talk quite often). So, basically what I'm saying is if there is reasonable suspicion that your kid is doing something wrong, go ahead, do your job as a parent and look through their stuff just to be sure. But if you're just throwing your weight around, "I pay for it so I can look at it whenever I damn well please," get the **** off your high horse, or you'll lose your kid.

Honestly, it doesn't matter whether or not you have "the right" to go through your kids phone. I understand why parents think that way, but when my mom pulled that shit on me (it only happened once thanks to good communication), I wasn't mad because I thought she didn't have the right. I was mad because she had so little trust for me and didn't even try to talk to me. Stop pulling rank on your kids and TALK TO THEM. If they felt like they could talk to you about anything without worrying about you grounding them on the spot, you wouldn't have a reason to snoop through their stuff. I'm not saying don't ever ground them, but talk issues out with them before slapping on a punishment. Open lines of communication solve a LOT of issues.

There's obviously a reason... you snooping through her phone seems to be a good one. YDI.

Well, only He who shall not be named would go through his daughter's phone contacts so I guess she's right.

perdix 29

It could be worse -- you could be Neville Longbottom. A harsh commentary on your ass.

At least Neville was a bad ass in the last book and movies. So that would be a half compliment. Unless you specified that it was young Neville.

perdix 29

#35, I was saying that the kid was saying her mom had a long bottom. I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't sound nice.