By Anonymous - 24/01/2014 05:32 - United States - Hackensack

Today, I was going to have sex, so I went to my basement to get my builder bear that I had stuffed my condoms in. The bear was gone. My dad gave it to charity. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 52 254
You deserved it 19 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Some lucky 6-year-old is going to get a bear AND balloons...


A bear AND balloons?! Some kid is going to have a field day!

Only 12 posts and about 9 minutes late on that one....

Ashter 20

HAHAHAHAHA!! Ahem. That does suck for you though. My condolences. An interesting surprise for whoever ends up receiving that bear. I can only imagine the look at the discovery...

Or on their parents' faces when they have to explain what it meant.

Pstraka6 20

Well at least you know your bear is safe and so will it's new owner

olpally 32

Nice gesture by your dad. Weird place to hide condoms, should have kept them hidden in your bedroom. Haha.

askullnamedbilly 33

You keep your condoms in a stuffed bear in your parents' basement? How long's it been since you last got laid?

mrlopez 13

OP probably has got a stash of condoms, not just one you know.

stupid place to hide them. next time hide them in sock drawer

Chellybelly92 14

There's nothing wrong with creativity.

That bear got stuffed with condoms instead of your gf...damn