By kaytiebobaytie - 24/01/2010 18:30 - United States

Today, I was hanging out with my boyfriend. We were driving to his hockey game and he was joking around about throwing my favorite hoodie out of his window. While swinging it around, my brand new iPhone flew out of the pocket and the window, getting run over by a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 451
You deserved it 7 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for actually keeping something valuable, let alone anything at all, in a hoodie pocket. The only thing those pockets are good for is keeping your hands warm.



Are you the same girl who, while in the waiting room of a chiropractor's office, tried to flash her boyfriend....and ended up hitting herself in the face with the iPhone stored in the pocket of her hoodie? I think you are!

no they aren't the same person, i checked, but that would've been hilarious. XDD

kaytiebobaytie 0

Oh dear; I read the one about getting hit in the face with it, I've never busted my lip on mine, but they do hurt if they hit you just right.

holy shit that sucks! I bet your boyfriend felt horrible!

terriibabiiix23 0

lmfao, $200 out the windoww.

first...and insurance is pretty win now adays with people being so accident prone

ydi for leaving your fire on while u were asleep!

Ignore that comment it was for the other fml ^^^

why didnt you tell him the iPhone was int he pocket? unless he knew, then hes a douche. FYL