By Pottymouth - 25/07/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, I was having really bad diarrhea. I sat down on the toilet and heard a plop, thinking it was just me going to the bathroom. After I was finished, I look in the toilet to see my iPhone sitting in a pool of diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 033
You deserved it 24 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't figure out how to keep your phone out of the toilet by now, don't bring it into the bathroom with you.

iPhone's are great, they just are being pissy because they don't have one


You people take all the fun out of this website. Why you gotta be all technical n shit? damn...

silverspire29 2

Why the hell would you bring your phone into the bathroom? YDI.

Imagine what he people at apple must think: " I work at Apple. Today, we recieved an Iphone that literally smelled like shit when it came out of the box. It had smeared Feces on it. I was the only technician on duty at the time. I had to service it. FML."

jakeidk 0

my friend dropped his phone as he was flushing and it went down the tube...

Put gloves and take it, wash it then put it in a bowl of rice at least 24 hours to make it dry.

LilToosh 0

haha please tell me you didn't go in and fetch it! it's not worth it, Its not worth it! haha

LaurenUnknown 0

And why is your phone located up your butt?