By Pottymouth - 25/07/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, I was having really bad diarrhea. I sat down on the toilet and heard a plop, thinking it was just me going to the bathroom. After I was finished, I look in the toilet to see my iPhone sitting in a pool of diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 033
You deserved it 24 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't figure out how to keep your phone out of the toilet by now, don't bring it into the bathroom with you.

iPhone's are great, they just are being pissy because they don't have one


Why do people always call apple shit by it's brand name? Why is an Iphone not just a phone or an Ipod not just a mp3 player? I hate it when people say, my Iphone this or my Ipod that. It's JUST a phone and an overrated one at that. You just put your iPhone where it belongs.

Yuk! How do you manage to do that? Anyway, good luck getting it out.

Maybe he had his phone in his butt-pocket and it fell out while he was pulling down his pants. (I had a similar experience with a crappy phone + not diarrhea) Either way, FYL dude.

i'm going to say either this is fake, or YDI for being too stupid to know the difference between a shit coming out of your ass, and your iPhone dropping out of your pocket.

Somehow I doubt that's covered by the warranty.

That's why you take your phone out of you pocket before you sit on the toilet.

I feel sick now, but i feel realy sorry about you Iphone. :/