By Pottymouth - 25/07/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, I was having really bad diarrhea. I sat down on the toilet and heard a plop, thinking it was just me going to the bathroom. After I was finished, I look in the toilet to see my iPhone sitting in a pool of diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 033
You deserved it 24 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't figure out how to keep your phone out of the toilet by now, don't bring it into the bathroom with you.

iPhone's are great, they just are being pissy because they don't have one


Probably fake but YDI for keeping your iPhone in your pocket while at home. IPOD TOUCH FTW!!!!!!!!

that sucks so bad. I am so protective of my phone i dont even bring it in the bathroom for fear of water getting on it. (i have broken a few phones just from the freaking sink!)

pialouisee 0

hah. wow. did u get it back out?

haha i'm sure there's an app for that

every one that says the iPhone sucks is obviously jealous that they don't have one. I don't have one, and I'm jealous too

I don't know about iPhones but iPod touch 2g survive being in water for a while, but I had to wait for it to dry because the speakers temperarly don't work.

talk about having shitty reception!!