By OhFseriously123 - 06/08/2009 10:05 - Italy

Today, I was having sex with a girl. She was really into it and not holding back on the noise...That is, until I received a text message from my little sister next door reading "If she is making that much noise, she is probably faking it...Trust me, I know." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 568
You deserved it 13 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sportmaster525 0

why did you check your text in the middle of your "activity"?

That sucks. At least your sister's honest with you. FYL.


Phone+sex=she probably was faking it. I mean, if you are checking your texts during sex you must be bored or boring. Also, it's nasty to have noisy sex with any member of the family in the house, I don't care if she's 25 and you are 30, that is just...ew...

mylifefmlsoml 0

wow ur little sis must b a hore

paopao2 0

tell me obout it itsinsalting to all of us lol

elsieenchanted 0

Pwned. By your little sister. :D

Agreed. Sounds just like the one with the mom texting the OP about the girl faking and the dad also agreeing.

u kinda deserved it...i mean if your gonna do your gf while your sister is in the other room dont be surprised if she doesnt appreciate hearing her older brother's gf ****** to her BIG BRO! you might want to me more considerate, and ur little sister is awesome for sending that text=] ps: im guessing shes a screamer too=]

Crasken 0

Maybe she wants to hear her older brother having sex :O

How smart of you to have sex when your sister is at home. Learn some decency, stupid. Or tell the girl to stay quiet.

whitneyyy 0

Hahaha most of not been to great If you were txting

Her screaming doesn't mean she's faking. Some girls really are screamers. If you suspect she's faking, look for these signs: 1. Rapid heart rate - A real ****** really gets the heart beating fast. Checking her wrist pulse is a bit obvious, but a cleverly placed hand on her chest/neck/femoral/brachial artery during or an ear on those areas after can get you the info you need. Don't go by breathing because that's often part of the show. 2. Involuntary muscle contractions - During ******, the ****** contracts. If she's faking it, this will be missing. 3. Hypersensitivity - Like guys, most girls get sensitive after ******. Unless she's really into details, there's a good chance she won't think of that. 4. Variance - If she screams as hard when you hit "the spots" as she does when you don't, something's up. Though a savvy faker might think of this.

Mm, I thought it was only "some" guys and girls who got sensitive? Because as far as researched, a lot of guys can keep at it for a while (ie: there's no sensitivity). Girls on the other hand I haven't much looked into.

you're supposed to have a rapid pulse if you are doing exercise, which can happen anyway during sex. and for heaven's sake, how is he supposed to check her pulse and such during sex, and without her noticing?

1. You're heart rate can easily be raised just because you're having sex and it's physical activity. 2. Females can voluntarily contract their vaginal muscles. I doubt a guy could tell the difference. 3. Some girls get sensitive, some don't. It's not indicative of much. 4. Okay, I'll give you this one.