By CBBP - 31/03/2009 15:35 - United States

Today, I was having sex with this girl I met in stats class when my roommate walked in. He started applauding and said, "$20 bucks for me! I knew you weren't gay!" Him and my other roommate had a bet. They are my best friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 894
You deserved it 8 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's hilarious At least you were having sex though, so I wouldn't fret it too much

LoL. Was she hot? Cause you should get brownie points for porking a hottie when your friends think your gay.


I have a feeling that girl became more dry than the Sahara though. Sad times man. Good thing you got caught "red handed" so there is no questioning your sexuality.

brcck 0

At least one knew you weren't gay?

sirfuzzitoes 0

i hear gay guys have sex with girls to win bets pretty often. is this true?

kellster 2

Fail. If you all weren't so homophobic, this wouldn't be a big deal at all. Obviously you're not concerned about your sexuality, so who cares what anyone else thinks??

giffinator 0

probably. There is no "heterophobia", is there? They'd prolly be okay with it, for money. to @26, you realise how judgemental that is? I don't know what a "gay vibe" is, but I'm sure it's stereotypical or something. The only person who can tell you who you are, is you. Remember that children! 8D

Well hey, looking at it in a positive light, if they were really your best friends, they wouldn't care more than who won the bet if you were gay or not.

My friends once had a bet (for 20 dollars) as to when I'd get dumped. Then one friend bought me a pity number one meal at McDonald's....with the prize money. lulz I know how ya feel...kinda, lol.

giffinator 0

@56: The "gay vibe" isn't exactly stereotypical per se... it's just a way of saying that people tend to think you are gay. Or, for the "minor gay vibe" I mentioned, they tend to wonder if you are, or entertain the idea that you are gay. A lot of guys seem to worry about people thinking they're gay, which is silly for a lot of reasons, but my point is that a minor gay vibe is one good way to attract women.

davidlonghorn 0

sounds like you don't have much like with the ladies... but this says u were at least doin it so i for one would say this should be time for celebration not saddness? CONGRATS MY FRIEND!!