By Anonymous - 13/12/2015 12:45

Today, I was heading home after getting off work at 5 in the morning, when a deer slid out in front of my car. Not jumped. Slid. Thanks, winter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 493
You deserved it 1 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, after slipping and falling on the ice, a human nearly drove over me. Not walked. Not ran. Drove. Thanks, industrial revolution and technological advancement. FML"


At least you have snow! I live in Michigan and its 60 degrees and raining!

What winter? I wore shorts and a tee today

Niko208 13

Hey, at least you get snow. It's still half hot where I live :c

SexyMexi21 23

Sounds like Dasher isn't going to make in this year. Tell Prancer to call him in a replacement.

Sadly, I don't think Virginia is participating in winter this year. But at least neither of you got hurt! (Assuming the deer is okay and all.)

Not really, December is the first winter month.

But winter doesn't start till the 21st of December technically soooo

If you are following the astronomical way to divide the seasons, you are correct. If you are using the traditional way, winter begins on December 1st, and that makes me right. I had completely forgot that there where two ways to classify the seasons.

peterburk 5
TAntobella 14

"Sending positive vibes" but "hoping the didn't make too much damage"? How about worrying for the health of the deer, instead of the car? The fu****g car doesn't feel pain, doesn't have babies to attend, and can be repaired. Can you imagining the pain and fear of multiple fractures and internal bleeding? Clearly not. "Positive vibes"....