By milksquad - 28/07/2017 10:37

Today, I went on a Tinder date with a hot British guy. He spent 90% of the date talking about his ex, but I invited him back to my place anyway. He came after 20 minutes of foreplay then left without even offering to get me off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 094
You deserved it 8 049

milksquad tells us more.

milksquad 11

OP here! This is my second FML to get published this week, either I'm on a roll or my life is just really shitty lol. I was pretty bitter when I posted this but in hindsight, yeah, it was a pretty stupid decision. Looks (and a cute accent) aren't everything I suppose! I guess I was more surprised that he left so abruptly. Like, he came and then put on his clothes and walked out with barely a goodbye. I've had meaningless Tinder hookups in the past and they were always at least nice about it. I guess those were just flukes. Definitely learned my lesson!

Top comments

He spent most of the date not focused on you and you expected him to not be selfish in bed... YDI.

...Why would you invite a guy like that back to your place? xD OP, you need to respect yourself a little more! You deserve better than that, and I'm sure you can get better than that. :3 know, try to get with people who want to actually be in your company?


He spent most of the date not focused on you and you expected him to not be selfish in bed... YDI.

...Why would you invite a guy like that back to your place? xD OP, you need to respect yourself a little more! You deserve better than that, and I'm sure you can get better than that. :3 know, try to get with people who want to actually be in your company?

Believe it or not, but some people don't use Tinder to find serioius relationships...

I know that xD But from the sounds of it, that was what OP was looking for - otherwise she wouldn't have complained about him not paying attention, right?

milksquad 11

I'll admit, I wasn't looking for a commitment or even a second date (he was due to head back to London the next week) but it would have been nice if he'd at least stuck around to cuddle for a few minutes afterward!

What a plot twist, a guy who didn't seem interested in pleasing you during a date, didn't seem interested in pleasing you in bed.

At the climax, did he go all Paul Revere on you? “The British are coming! The British are coming!”

he spent most of the date talking about another woman and yet you decided yo have sex with him? I don't get it. ydi

Lobby_Bee 17

Good looks can disrupt good judgements.

SpaceToast 25

This does suck and all, but your sucky date sort of foreshadowed this activity. Learn and grow OP.

Mungolikecandy 19

Why invite a man back when he is hung up on his ex and appears to have shown minimal interest in you?

Mungolikecandy 19

Why invite a man back when he is hung up on his ex and appears to have shown minimal interest in you?