By Anonymous - 13/12/2015 12:45

Today, I was heading home after getting off work at 5 in the morning, when a deer slid out in front of my car. Not jumped. Slid. Thanks, winter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 493
You deserved it 1 575

Same thing different taste

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"Today, after slipping and falling on the ice, a human nearly drove over me. Not walked. Not ran. Drove. Thanks, industrial revolution and technological advancement. FML"


TAntobella 14

Did the deer get injured? Did it survive the impact? I can't believe people worry about an insured, repairable, replaceable car and not about the life of another living being.

A deer is bad enough but here in Finland people smash into mooses... Hope your car didnt get totalled!

It's 70 degrees where I'm at right now, im in nj right now

Hopefully you and the car are ok take pictures for the insurance and keep driving

Well here in South Carolina it's 75 degrees in December

Given the deer slid out in front of a car, i propose an alternative fml This morning while minding my own business in the woods, i slipped and fell, right into the path of a passing car...........FML