By Tom_why - 23/05/2009 19:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I was helping some mental health patients at work, I spent 20 mins to fail to connect the DVD player to the TV and went back to make them something to eat. I came back into the room after 5 mins and one of the patients had connected it for himself. He has a profound learning disability. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 335
You deserved it 24 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your giving them way too little credit. They are humans like you and me after all.


karmas_a_bitch 0

Fail. Sometimes it takes a learning disabled person to show u to really get help

I'm sure his learning disability doesn't affect his color-coordination.

awesome for your patient -- sucks to be you, though.....


Ha!! #12 beat me to it!! Maybe that patients learning disability was that he knew too much.....? lol but I doubt it. Did your parents drop you when you were a baby cause dvd players are so easy to install!! haha!!

YDI. Dvd players are very simple, a 5 year old could work it out.

fmlsmymiddlename 0

I have to say, I think they rubbed off on you. Except better.

you shouldnt even be working there -.,-

I have surround sound and my tv has multiple outlets for the video and audio cord, and i cant figure it out, so maybe its that same situation