By Tom_why - 23/05/2009 19:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I was helping some mental health patients at work, I spent 20 mins to fail to connect the DVD player to the TV and went back to make them something to eat. I came back into the room after 5 mins and one of the patients had connected it for himself. He has a profound learning disability. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 335
You deserved it 24 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your giving them way too little credit. They are humans like you and me after all.


It just shows how intelligent people with learning disabilities can be, even if they don't look/act it.

beachgal 0

first off you're a jerk for assuming that all special needs people are retarded and can't perform simple functions. second of all, just because you have a profound learning disability doesn't mean that the person wouldn't be able to properly connect dvd cables. if you have this perception of special needs people, why are you working with them?

For someone who works with mental health patients, you don't have a lot of faith in them. Assuming that they are incapable of doing something a "normal" person cannot do just because they have a learning disability, no matter how extreme it is, is an extremely ignorant and terrible way to treat another human.

I have a learning disability and I'm doing great in University. Disabilities don't always limit people, you shouldn't make assumptions.

Hey OP, Red pointy thing goes into red hole, White pointy thing goes into the white hole, and yellow pointy thing goes in the yellow hole. Then you plug this thing with 2 silver things sticking out into the wall that has 2 holes that fit this thing.

idreamofpeace 0

I completely agree with #55! Don't assume that just because they're mental health patients that they can't do the same things you can do; they can obviously do some things better than you!

They aren't dumb as hell. They just lack in many areas and are very smart in others.

LOLOL um yeah, it's color coded, dear. :]

Hey #1, the computer screen is not a mirror.