By Anonymous - 30/09/2013 10:30 - United States - Shreveport

Today, I was in a public bathroom with the runs when I noticed my stall didn't have any toilet paper. I was the only one in the bathroom, and I thought I could make it to the stall next to me and grab some with my pants down. I wasn't actually the only one in there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 609
You deserved it 9 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

Stranded, stranded on the toilet bowl. What do you do when you don't have a roll? You must prove that you're a man and wipe it with your hand.

Nightwing98 22

*Loads shotgun* Anybody got any "shitty" puns?


pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on te ground

jw90 18

Can't imagine how it felt walking around with swamp ass.

Guess you were caught with your pants down.

What a shitty situation, guess you weren't running fast enough.

vuduguru 5

ha do the ol look under the stall trick, before you ever get up simply put your head down towards the floor and scan the room for feet and presto your either alone or just out of range for someone to hand some to ya

convict's shuffle: n. The “chaingang”-style gait one adopts when looking for bumwad whilst manacled round the ankles by one's lowered grundies.

YDI: make sure you have all necessary supplies before using the toilet......that includes toilet paper.

He had the runs as in he ran in there and exploded there was no time to check!

I've never done that in public but in my house before I thought no one was in so I waddled out (to the little linen cupboard just outside the bathroom) to get some loo roll, and my brother was in the house and just coming up the stairs and saw me. I feel your pain, OP!

Metal_Avenger 9

You deserved it for not looking first, both for people and for paper