By Anonymous - 10/09/2010 02:09 - United States

Today, I was in my basement when I saw a giant cricket on the floor. I found an old plastic bottle of orange paint to drop on it and did so from about five feet up. The bottle exploded and splattered the walls and floor like a crime scene. The cricket hopped away untouched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 054
You deserved it 50 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Have you ever tried using your foot? Or perhaps just leaving it alone?


FFML_314 11

Yes, I meant loathe* Thank you! :P I love you guys too.

ohthebloodygore 16

You're all idiots. Yes, it was necessary to say so. :]

alwaysbored13 14

YDI. Next time just step on it. There's no need for complicated strategy in killing something significantly smaller than you.

Lmao! YDI come on now you should of known that was going to happen

katelynjoy 0

ohemgoodness YDI; it was just an innocent bug.. crickets can't even hurt you Hun:/

Now just think of the hours of FUN you'll have cleaning that hot mess of orange paint up!!! Way to go, op!! *high five*

I think I'd just paint the rest of the basement orange to match. That is, once the cricket was taken care of.

jinxthejinx 0

YDI for being mentally handicapped.

More like FYL for being mentally handicapped.

Arsonnist 3

That's a unique way to do it. Were you trying a new "eat the paint covered cricket and win free icecream challenge?"

msphatb00ty 0