By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 19:18 - United States

Today, I was in my new boyfriend's apartment for the first time. As I was flipping through his photo albums, I came across one full of disturbingly candid pictures of me. I found some as early as my trip to the state fair, three years ago. I met my boyfriend two months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 169 447
You deserved it 11 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

looks like he's been stalking you o_O

katekappy 0

Thats creepy!! What did u do??


californiareader 0

oh ew he's a creeper. all i can say is run. and change your phone number. DEF FYL.

Cdldriver 0

First Stalker Now ur Boyfriend.

At least the stalker is now in heaven. ^^

Run far, far away, before you end up a body in his basement. That's frelled up.

Njord09 2

today, today my 2 month girlfriend freaked out on me because she saw some pictures of her on one of my albums of some years ago. We've actually met years ago, and have all the same friends in common. She called the police. FML. ahahaha :P are you sure you only met him 2 months ago?

fretforyerlatte 0

wowwww that's pretty scary. make sure when you dump him you do it somewhere very public. tell people what's going on so if you turn up missing they know where to look. yikes, dude.

GDinNJ 0

Allow me to spell this out for you: D-I-S-T-U-R-B-I-N-G-L-Y C-A-N-D-I-D ARE YOU SERIOUS? How many friends do you have that take candid pictures of you then put them in albums? Seriously, answer me. Because if you answer is any more than zero, you legitimately have a problem. Because normal human beings do not follow each other and take secret pictures of people who don't KNOW them or who they have met briefly enough to not make a lasting impression. This. Is. Weird. Stalking can turn into a danger for not only the victim of the stalking, but also those around said victim. If he's seen you with other guys (especially now that you're dating), his reaction could end up being violent. Be very careful. Especially if he's unstable. I mean, definitely talk to him, but do it in a public place. Seriously, be careful.

TerriTheAsian 0

jeez he was jk, obviously :PP take it easy

GDinNJ 0

Okay, I apologize, but this kind of thing really gets to me (not people posting sarcastic things that I don't get, lol, sorry about that). I mean the stalking thing. It's creepy and unless legal action is taken, there can be some very, very serious results. Again, sorry Njord

Hooooly crap run away before he cuts you into little pieces and puts them in his freezer! Run! Run away right now! Shame the OP seems to be unregistered... I'd have loved to have found out what she did XD

Entity4Infinity 0

Uhm i hope you seriously take the advice of some people... bring it up listen to his excuse see if you believe him or not... if not... break up and try to keep safe.

Yeah, I can totally see that working! GF: Hey I found this album and there's pictures of me from years ago, but we just met 2 months ago! Stalker: Uhhhh... *Locks door* *Eats key* *pulls out machete*