By Anonymous - 21/06/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I was in the grocery store getting bananas and there was this real hot guy next to me. He said, "Hey beautiful" so I smiled. He then asked if I was free on Friday night. I smiled and said, "Yes, why do you ask?" He looked up from the bananas and pointed to the bluetooth in his ear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 322
You deserved it 16 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when "eye contact" comes in handy. If someone is asking you out, I'd say about 99% of the time they would be looking directly at you, not the bananas.

Normally people talking on the bluetooth are the ones who look like retards. In this situation it was the other way around. :P


HAHA that's embarrassing ughhhh... :) It's ok tho lol

AZballin 0

that must be one of the most embarrassing-est things to ever happen to someone. i'm glad i'm not you :)

awillowcabin 0

oh yes, I'm sure somebody would totally, out of the blue, refer to an absolute stranger as "beautiful" and proceed to ask them out -_-'' in a GROCERY STORE of all places.

socrkeeper001 0

i feel your pain bluetooths suck they make it impossible to tell if they're on the phone. but dont feel bad i'm sure he's gotten some weird looks in public when people think he's talking to himself

c3ns0r3dn4m3 0

that's why i hate bluetooths :P

Caayouteepie 0

Wasnt there one exactly like this yesterday? yes.

you shoulda just stuffed that banana down your throat...he woulda hid that bluetooth in a heartbeat.

those bluetooth things are stupid.. it looks like ur talking to urself