By Anonymous - 04/12/2009 06:12 - United States

Today, I was informed after submitting my request to have Christmas off about 2 weeks prior to Thanksgiving that I was denied. About 15 minutes later, I overheard the person that denied my request talking with another agent, who put their request in today, that they were granted the holiday off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 900
You deserved it 2 159

Same thing different taste

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somepartsareme 0

He didn't ask too early at all. A lot of businesses have a policy that you must put in your holidays a certain length of time before you want them, especially if they are over holiday periods. The place I work has this policy (in fact, we aren't even allowed to book time off at Xmas at all). Having said that, if this business does have that policy, then they're giving the other guy some extreme special treatment. I'm sure you can complain about this, especially if he didn't give you a decent reason fro rejecting your holiday request.


I wonder if these ancient FMLs even get comment moderation any more. (Though there seems to be an automated moderation trigger, based on identical content.) :-P

Sometimes the early bird doesn't get the worm...