By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 10:32 - United States

Today, I was insulted online by a teenager, who said that I was probably a fat loser who still lives with their mother and a couple of cats. They were right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 236
You deserved it 58 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Iit's an online insult, probably by someone that doesn't know you. Don't take it personally. Either way, you're the controller of your own destiny. If you really have a problem with it look at getting a gym membership and start looking for apartments, assuming you don't have extreme financial issues. If you don't like the situation you're in, change it.


ydi 2 times once for caring enough about what someone says online twice for still living with mommy and cats. if your old enough to take offense to that, than you are obviously old enough to be a successful individual.

wanderingidiot 0

then why, may I ask, are you submitting this on here?

If you're unhappy with your life, change it. Don't sit there and feel sorry for yourself, hoping it will change by itself.

bonafidehustler 0

What a lame FML. You're probably just a fat loser who lives with his mom and cats.

#1 hit the nail right on the head. Get off your ass and change stuff if you don't like your life. Unless you have some sort of physical or mental disability that would stop you, then I'm really sorry for you. Nice reading skills there #16 since he ADMITTED it already.

Monty_Python 0
qwertyuiop8989 0

#12 or #13 (idk the numbers keep on changing), he was submitting it so he could get his 15 min of fame......that's probably why.

Get thin eat right, get a good job and move out.

KyleOkposofan 0

To be fair, getting a good job isn't that easy now a'days. First, you have to spend at least two years in college, but realistically more towards the four and eight year marks. Second, the economy sucks, and many college degree holders still have to work minimum wage right now. But I agree that he shouldn't be complaining about things. Like someone I know says: "it[his life] is what it is."