By ssondik - 22/06/2015 00:50 - United States - Hebron

Today, I was invited to a fancy-shmancy charity event, and the host - my friend - told me to wear a long, ballroom, fancy gown. Turns out my friend was just being a dick and it was a pool party. I spent $200 on my hair and makeup alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 113
You deserved it 5 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ariel? Is that you? Own the party and work the crowd Revenge is a dish best served cold


momac86 17

Throw your own fancy affair and tell your friend it's a pool party

deejoy 22

Aren't pools usually in.. backyards? Aren't fancy ballgown events usually not in backyards? Feel like you were a little gullible there, OP.

You deserved it. Spending that much money for a party is ridiculous, and when going to a charity event it's downright inappropriate. You deserved it for being selfish.

Still seems a bit over done on your part for a charity event....sounds a bit ironic but seems like you need new friends.

azgent4gsxrs 5

You have 200$ to spend on hair and makeup, it could be much worse

You overspent like crazy OP, yes, but she's not your friend.

alexis2173 11

that really sucks, but omg that's hilarious.. sorry you had a bad bad day tho!

niahcx 0

I understand its embarrassing to be overdressed, but its her own fault that she spent so much money