By jogger - 27/11/2011 05:30 - United States

Today, I was jogging when a woman ran out of her house and handed me an invitation for a party. What was the invitation for? A weight loss treatment party. Guess the jogging isn't working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 419
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste

High school reunions blow anyway

By Spaceballs - 27/08/2023 00:02

Today, I got an invite to my high school reunion. With visions of wowing my former classmates, I set about starting a diet and exercise regimen. The universe had other plans. On my first run out in the fields, I managed to trip over an invisible pebble, fall into a puddle, and fuck my ankle up. The only thing I'm reuniting with now is my couch and a bag of ice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 553
You deserved it 212

Top comments

Ugh... I know people think they're trying to help when they do stuff like this, but really, all it does is hurt the person's feelings and make you look like a total ass.


Or, she just had no one to invite so she targeted joggers? Seems like a logical demographic.

Jogging helps a lot:) it just takes time.. Be patient and keep at it. You'll see results soon:)

Maybe she thought that since you were jogging, you wanted to lose weight so invited you because you were the type of person she wanted to have at her party. Doesn't mean you're fat.

well how long have you been jogging? you don't turn into a supermodel overnight. i say brush it off and continue what you're doing, op. i could never say that im going to start working out and never go through with it, haha.

*and actually go through with it.. oops

elkied 8

maybe she thought you could help with the program :D keep up the jogging!

summerwummer 2

Ugh that woman is totally asking for a good ol house egging!

Sounds it's not working, it sounds like she caught up to you too easily.

ashley0703 0

She prolly only did it cause she knew you were tryin to lose weight and was gonna be nice and give it to you

Jogging and a good diet you can loose up to five pounds in 2 weeks. Keep it up!