By jogger - 27/11/2011 05:30 - United States

Today, I was jogging when a woman ran out of her house and handed me an invitation for a party. What was the invitation for? A weight loss treatment party. Guess the jogging isn't working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 419
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste

High school reunions blow anyway

By Spaceballs - 27/08/2023 00:02

Today, I got an invite to my high school reunion. With visions of wowing my former classmates, I set about starting a diet and exercise regimen. The universe had other plans. On my first run out in the fields, I managed to trip over an invisible pebble, fall into a puddle, and fuck my ankle up. The only thing I'm reuniting with now is my couch and a bag of ice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 553
You deserved it 212

Top comments

Ugh... I know people think they're trying to help when they do stuff like this, but really, all it does is hurt the person's feelings and make you look like a total ass.


Hahaha awesome. Watch what you eat though. All that jogging is for nothing if you dont eat good calories and less than your maintenance level

Evey15 4

She was probably giving it to u cuz she saw u were jogging for weight loss and wanted to help ^.^

Don't feel bad, she probably handed it to you because your jogging gave off the impression that you want to lose weight. Jogging helps a lot if you keep at it, I lost 40lbs like that.

doglady 16

Don't give up sweetie, props for being out there pounding the pavement. It'll pay off in the long run (no pun intended)!!

Give the party a try, the worse that could happen is ou don't lose weight and she's a weirdo...

What a bitch. At least you're trying op! Don't let her discourage you!