By Jaybird1587 - 03/08/2009 12:43 - United States

Today, I was just about to get in the shower, when I heard a loud crunch. I thought to myself, boy the neighbours next door must be doing some heavy construction. Two seconds after that thought, my brother knocked on the door to inform me that the neighbours tree had just fallen on my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 010
You deserved it 2 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mvibes 0

Man that SUCKS....They at least offered to help pay damages right? Hopefully you got insurance

Could be worse, my neighbours tree fell on his house, It was an “act of god” and his insurance refused to pay for it.


Let's hope their homeowners insurance covers it. If they try to weasel out, chances are your insurance company will go after them.

MetalCraze 11

YDI put your car in a garage next time

mercilessadi 0

Ydi y coz u have a car coz u have a bro coz u have neighbours coz u take showers coz u can think to urself coz ur neighbour has a tree coz u park under a tree coz ur bro is a suck up coz u call ur neighbours "boy" coz it's not funny coz u wasted my time reading it coz u wasted my iPhone battery coz am out of coz...

and all of those things r her fault? not all fmls r supposed to be funny, they just prove how much ur life sucks ur not funny, so stop w/ the bad jokes

urr an idyut y? coz u dun noe how to spel or right or nethang! go bak tew skool returd! /s

HahaYDI 0

You realize you just fed the troll right?

mercilessadi 0

N btw WTF has happened to the site ytf all lame fml get published while the good ones which u see while moding doesn't make it seriously this ones not even fml or ydi coz the insurance will cover it I donno abt u guts but nowadays the quality of fml is reduced :|

littlebopeep10 0

Please learn English. And besides, his/his neighbor's insurance may not cover it. Insurance doesn't always cover everything.

mercilessadi 0

modafacka ppl insure cars so that the insurance pays for such damages.almost all insurance companies cover natural calimities.The more u pay the more u get insured. Think b4 commenting ahole. I use iPhone to write the comment. It automatically corrects words. But if u really think u can improve my English then plz "suck my dickS"(borat).

bull shit you would have heard a boom and all the glass out of your car shatter, apparently youve never really been around a falling tree. . . they are way too big to just hear a "crunch" or think its just heavy construction. unless it was a ficus tree, then this isnt an fml

Lonely4 0

Actually, a giant limb fell off a tree across the street from me last night and landed on some neighbor's car....there was no broken glass....just a crunch from it landing across the hood and squishing it.

eh you idiot read the fml, not a limb, the whole ******* tree!! i mean mybdads truck got hit by a limb during hurricane rita and only got a crack in the windsheild mirror was broken and the hood was dented, but like i said, just a limb, not a whole tree

ksunnyv1011 0

Lol that's hilarious but sucks for you hope you have insurance.

all those who comment here should get a life including me.

morgan020 0

that sucks. that happened to a neighbor of mine a few years ago when a hurricane came through luckily it was their own car instead of someone elses. to those saying hope she has ins it's called homeowners ins and the neighbors should be resposible for the damages to the car not her. they should keep their trees trimmed and cut down the limbs that are in bad shape. my husband and I do that every few months it's not hard. so OP dont pay a cent to have your car fixed make them claim it on their ins policy