By Jaybird1587 - 03/08/2009 12:43 - United States

Today, I was just about to get in the shower, when I heard a loud crunch. I thought to myself, boy the neighbours next door must be doing some heavy construction. Two seconds after that thought, my brother knocked on the door to inform me that the neighbours tree had just fallen on my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 010
You deserved it 2 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mvibes 0

Man that SUCKS....They at least offered to help pay damages right? Hopefully you got insurance

Could be worse, my neighbours tree fell on his house, It was an “act of god” and his insurance refused to pay for it.


FukMeFukU 0

Aha. I live on the Jersey/PA border. It was probably just the aftermath of the huge storm the just went through. Ive had 5 trees knocked down up and down my road and arround my house. My cars survived though :)

ReportAbuse 0

that sucks, but seriously, watch out for those trees.

Microsoftfan 0

You all thinking the OP deserved it are idiots. #52, how was she being a bitch? She just thought the neighbors were doing heavy construction. Anyway, FYL. That has to suck.

ReportAbuse 0

**** you, you faggoty little ****. Everybody knows I'm right and the best. So, ha. **** you.

that wouldn't sound lik a crunch. you would hear glass breaking and everything. this is a fake fml.

i can't believe people are calling this fake because it "wouldn't sound like a crunch?" seriously? it's a loud noise of stuff being damaged. if you're that interested in finding fakes go troll snopes instead. anyway, that's really unfortunate, but pretty sure you can make your neighbors pay for at least part of the damages, since that tree was technically their property.

monkey_boy984 0

YDI for not paying attention u dumb blonde bitch and she must be blonde kus only a blonde would say stupid shit like that

HahaYDI 0

...wait were they actually doing construction? Because if they weren't then how the hell did the tree fall, trees don't just fall out of nowhere...usually. I call fake.

AKKKKK!!!! Another douche FML!! Taking a shower has NOTHING to do with the FML. Knowing how big the tree was and why it fell does, but that info is omitted...