By kids shouldnt have hard sports equipment - 18/01/2016 01:48 - Australia - Woodville

Today, I was knocked unconscious by the 10 year-old I was babysitting because it was his younger sister's bedtime and he didn't want her to go. When I came to, their mother was screaming at me for sleeping on the job. In the middle of the kitchen floor. I lost a job and gained a killer headache. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 215
You deserved it 1 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you went straight to hospital to get checked out and right after that to police and filed an assault charge. Being blacked out for any amount of time is a serious health issue and a concussion and headache would be the least of your worries. As harsh as it sounds, if the kid doesn't learn what consequences are, he is going to kill someone before he's a teen.

You lost your job? Did the mom not give you any time to explain..? (I think I already know the answer)


Since you torn a new one for something you didn't do, may as well give them a reason, now. Bludgeon the little asshole's skull in. See how he likes it.

scottishoatmeal 22

Sounds like something from a movie! "Baby sitter Nightmares"

Who the hell goes to sleep on he kitchen floor? A normal person would've suspected some shit was up.

MonstreBelle 29

I do, but I'm usually drunk and trying to decide if I want to eat or pass out. Coincidentally, that situation can also lead to lost jobs and killer headaches.

Maybe the kids done something like this before and the mom was trying to make OP feel like it was her fault or something. Idk

I sleep on my kitchen floor probably a few times a week. But I also have health issues and basically go down while trying to get myself food and need to rest before I keep going. I highly doubt anyone would voluntarily sleep on the kitchen floor, it is the least comfortable floor in the house.

Some parents refuse to believe anything bad about their perfect little angels, even when all the evidence is right in front of them.

Hope you're doing well OP! Sorry about losing a job though..

One of the many reasons why I don't babysit.

But seriously, that mother must be beyond stupid. She should've known something was up if you were knocked out on the kitchen floor and came to still on the floor.

Well obviously this comment is going to get buried, but I think I also would have looked for a new babysitter. One that doesn't let him/herself get knocked out by a 10 year old. After all, it's quite hard to babysit when you're knocked out.

Yes, because OP was totally like "HEY I KNOW! Knock me out cold so I don't have to do my job! I can't babysit while I'm unconscious. Brilliant!"

Did you know it would be buried because what you're saying is ridiculous?

The moment I read 'this comment is going to get buried', no need to read the rest.

aeryn97 17

if you lost consciousness then you need to go to hospital asap. even if you're fine you could get serious brain swelling that can kill you quickly. Liam Neesons wife was fine and laughing at jokes one minute, dead the next.

What kind of evil 10 year old just leaves someone passed out on the floor. That's WAY past the age of knowing that's just a dumb thing to do.