By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 19:44 - United States

Today, I was looking at the skeleton of a human male that we have in out biology classroom. I picked up the hand to examine the bones in the finger, and had the sudden realization that this is the only time that I have held hands with a boy. I'm a junior in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 232
You deserved it 8 688

Same thing different taste


how have you never held a boys hand? that just fyl, and i thought i was pathetic, im 16 and have never kissed a girl, i guess that is pathetic, f both of our lives. i've held a girls hands a multitude of times, just go grab some guys hand, im sure he wont mind unless you're that ugly lol.

Today, I did something stupid. Then I realised it was the first time I had done this. FML This is the what, 50th time I've seen the same FML on fmylife now.

jadeddream 0

Uh, #90, I had real human skeletons in my high school. How is that worse than dissecting an animal? Anyway, OP, I feel for ya. I am a junior in college as well and just recently got with my very first boyfriend. It's really not as uncommon as you think. So my suggestion to you is quit complaining on the internet and go meet some people!

ReiKoko 16

i dunno how old you are, cos your educational system is different from england's system but don't worry, i never held hands with a boy or had my first kiss until i had my first bf at age 18 (and now we're married ^-^). there's no rush for these things and it's nothing to be ashamed of. it certainly doesn't mean you're necessarily gay or there's something wrong with you. ignore the people who say such things. your time will come~

I don't like holding hands, so I have rarely as well. I'm 22.

hawaiianxpunchx3 0

wtf are you like a hermit with no friends? not even wen you were little?